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Impactful, Authentic, Inspiring

“Cindy spoke about Gratitude in Resilience with real life stories that touched the hearts and minds of the audience, was very engaging and kept the audience involved throughout. She provoked us with great reflective questions, inspired the audience with the sharing of her personal journey which left the audience feeling empowered, which was exactly the goal.” 

Shauna Bull, LinkedIn

Cindy Tien is an EQ Maven who unlocks the key to your team's personalities and behaviours, revealing the underlying causes of burnout, overwhelm and disempowering habits that may be holding organisations back. With these powerful skills and knowledge, your people can develop greater emotional intelligence to navigate today’s fast-paced and uncertain world - for improved results, relationships, and resilience.

Unlike many other speakers and executive coaches, Cindy has a significant understanding of the corporate environment, specifically with international and multinational corporations. She has 20 years of experience in the workforce, 10 of those years immersed in working within a corporation – negotiating at top level for high value contracts in the travel and expense management industry. After which, she left her corporate role and spent the next 10 years as Speaker, Trainer and Executive Coach - working with luxury brands, sales organizations, as well as banking and financial institutions, including global names such as American Express, Citibank, S&P Global.

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Cindy’s passion to impact the lives of others arose from the struggles which she grappled with in her life journey, which is nothing short of a transformation. A self-confessed rebel, she was on the road to destruction at a young age of 23, as she battled near bankruptcy, addictions and traumatic health issues that led to two major hip replacement surgeries with titanium implants. Her turnaround moment came when she found the courage to break through her blind spots and limitations that had shackled her since young. Armed with a huge dose of straight-up humour and authentic sharing, Cindy connects with her audience by peeling off their veneers of fear, self-doubt and insecurity through her powerful stories. Also known as a Blindspot Brazen, Personality Prodigy, and Titanium Hipster - Cindy is an Associate Director at Imageworks - a Singapore based company, and a Certified Speaking Professional who inspires leaders and professionals alike to turn their Pain into Purpose.

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Shauna Bull, LinkedIn

“Cindy spoke about Gratitude in Resilience with real life stories that touched the hearts and minds of the audience, was very engaging and kept the audience involved throughout. She provoked us with great reflective questions, inspired the audience with the sharing of her personal journey which left the audience feeling empowered, which was exactly the goal.”
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